Biofuel from Microalgae
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Published: 21 April 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Our society needs a sustainable source of energy that can replace fossil fuels as the part of sustainable development. Biofuel is a long term solution to fossil fuels. Because fossil fuels are decreasing fast in the amount & are directly related to the air pollution, water pollution, etc. So the renewable source of energy is required urgently in our environment. Biofuel is defined as the liquid fuel produced from biological sources such as biomass. Biofuel is a renewable and eco-friendly source of energy. The production of biofuel from algae can provide some exclusive advantages such as their rapid growth rate, greenhouse gas fixation ability & high production capacity of lipids.
Keywords: Biofuel, algae, energy, biomass, lipid.

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How to Cite
Roshni parmar, Anupama Shrivastav. (2019-04-21). "Biofuel from Microalgae." *Volume 3*, 2, 8-24